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Retirement Income Planning


We help our clients find equity and hidden income strategies that often exist in their personal financial situations without their knowledge. By using our proven Safe Money strategies, our clients cannot lose any of their savings to the dangers of the Stock Market. Nor can our clients outlive their retirement plans.

We do this by ensuring that our client's retirement savings are not on the open market. Once the savings are safe from unforeseen stock price dives, our clients enjoy interest rates on their money up to 22%.

To achieve your financial goals when planning your retirement, it’s crucial you work with a consultant who has comprehensive knowledge and experience in your federal benefits.

The Safe Money Advisory team has earned the Federal Retirement Consultant℠ (FRC) Designation and Certification signifying we have demonstrated a level of knowledge that you can trust.

To remain as FRC℠ professionals in good standing listed on FINRA, we must adhere to an established Code of Ethics and mandatory continuing education plus yearly testing

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Life Planning


The Secret to Lifetime Financial Security

Michael is one of the few financial advisors in the country to complete the rigorous training it takes to become a Bank on Yourself Authorized Advisor, and as such has taken part in creating one of the best financial planning books out there today. A collection of 35 safe money experts each contributed their top tip for financial security, and Michael contributed his "Fourth Alternative" tip. 

Order The Secret to the Lifetime Financial Security EBook to learn what the country's top advisors took years to discover.

College Planning


Our mission is to help families successfully navigate the complex college admissions and financial aid process and make paying for their dream college more easily affordable, regardless of the cost.

We also provide:

  • SAT/ACT Prep

  • Interview Coaching

  • Academic and Professional Portfolios

For more information, please visit:

Career & College Coaching

By utilizing in-depth questionnaire software and Positive Psychology principles, we help our clients discover what truly motivates them, their skill set, and their weaknesses. From there, we offer help finding careers or college majors best suited for our clients.

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